Tongue Theory - Day 2 (Evening Session - Basement)
A 2-day multi venue festival of Free Improvisation, Noise, Free Jazz & other avant-gardery
Foster / Grigg / Hill / Lash / Papaioannou - Joseph Kelly - Euan Metz - Viridian Ensemble
Foster / Grigg / Hill / Lash / Papaioannou
5 headed hydra of free thinkers.
Robin Foster, Matthew Grigg, Tim Hill, Dominic Lash, Helen Papaioannou
Joseph Kelly
Double bass basement abasement from punk jazz polymath. Indivisible & Indomitable.
Euan Metz
Lost in the tall grass of sonic strangeness from 50% of Invisible Man. 90% audible
Viridian Ensemble
Improvisation of both sound and image produce a dialogic blend of textural depths.
£5 advance day ticket / £12 advance weekend ticket
£7 otd
adv tickets from - matthewgrigg [at] hotmail [ dot] com
Doors 7.30